Governor Patrick joins NXStage Medical to open new company headquarters in Lawrence, Mass.

NxStage ribbon cutting (from left to right): NxStage Medical CEO Jeffrey Burbank, Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, State Senator Barry Finegold, Governor Deval Patrick and Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Vice President for Communications and Marketing Angus McQuilken
NxStage ribbon cutting (from left to right): NxStage Medical CEO Jeffrey Burbank, Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, State Senator Barry Finegold, Governor Deval Patrick and Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Vice President for Communications and Marketing Angus McQuilken

Governor Deval Patrick joined NXStage Medical, Inc., a medical device company that develops, manufactures and markets innovative systems for the treatment of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and acute kidney failure, on October 15, 2012 to cut a ribbon and officially open the company’s new headquarters in Lawrence, Mass. The Masschusetts Life Sciences Center awarded approximately $1.3 million in tax incentives to NXStage Medical in 2010 to encourage the company’s growth in Massachusetts.

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