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MX Orthopedics

MX Orthopedics

MX Orthopedics (MXO) has participated in the MLSC Internship Challenge with four different interns and have found the program to be a very valuable source of engineering talent for our company. While each intern has brought to MXO a different personal background and skill set, all have shared a strong work ethic, desire to learn, and willingness to get the job done. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the MLSC Internship Challenge as MXO continues to develop and commercialize our superelastic Nitinol orthopedic implants which are engineered to maintain and sustain greater compression levels across bone fractures to facilitate and improve healing.”

– Robert J. Devaney, Executive Vice President of MX Orthopedics

“Throughout my internship with MX Orthopedics, I have been given the opportunity to put into practice the skills acquired from my university studies in engineering. As a Design and Test Engineer at a start-up creating novel, orthopedic fracture fixation implants, I have been able to gain exposure to the multitude of factors necessary to see through the development of a medical device from concept thru to FDA-approval. This incredible opportunity that both the MLSC Internship Challenge and MX Orthopedics have afforded me will help to establish an excellent foundation for my continued career path in the field of medical devices.”

– Alex DelMonaco

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