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NECN Business interviews Center’s President & CEO on October 18, 2013

Dr. Susan Windham Bannister, president of the Massachusetts Life Science Center, says the company Genzyme is planning to expand.

“This is part of I think Genzyme’s continued commitment to making it in Massachusetts and it’s a great example as you said of public-private partnership. Genzyme had expressed back in 2008 an interest in creating an advanced biomanufacturing facility in Framingham. The town just didn’t have the state of the art waste water management facilities, a grant from the center of about $14 million enabled Framingham to build a pumping station, state of the art; Genzyme committed and built the facility and now just a year later, a year after they had their grand opening, $80 million of additional investments, there are about 2,300 people now working on that campus in Framingham,” she says.

Dr. Windham Bannister also talks about Moderna’s grand opening in Cambridge and the center’s improved website.

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