UML opens new facility to support biopharmaceutical manufacturing

This past December, UMass Lowell opened a state-of-the-art lyophilization facility, or LyoBay, that will help drive innovation and discovery in biopharmaceutical manufacturing in New England and beyond.

The LyoBay, which is in a clean room at the Saab Emerging Technologies and Innovation Center on North Campus, was developed with $1.3 million in funding from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and $120,000 from the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), a Manufacturing USA network institute that works to advance U.S. leadership in advanced manufacturing. NIIMBL also provided about $640,000 in funding for the creation of tools to support the lyophilization process scale-up. Additional in-kind support from partnering research institutions and industry collaborators contributed to this project.

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