April 12, 2012

Pluromed, Inc. is Fourth Company to Repay Center Loan

On April 12, 2012, the Center and Pluromed, Inc. announced the Woburn-based company’s repayment of the Center’s Accelerator loan, with interest. In 2009, Pluromed, Inc. was awarded a loan of $500,000 from the Center.

From left to right: Sanofi Biosurgery Senior Vice President and General Manager Alison Lawton and Pluromed President & CEO Jean-Marie Vogel present a check to Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President & CEO Susan Windham-Bannister representing Pluromed’s repayment of the Center’s 2009 Accelerator loan.
From left to right: Sanofi Biosurgery Senior Vice President and General Manager Alison Lawton and Pluromed President & CEO Jean-Marie Vogel present a check to Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President & CEO Susan Windham-Bannister representing Pluromed’s repayment of the Center’s 2009 Accelerator loan.