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ZS Genetics expands Bay State presence with opening of new facility in Wakefield, Mass.

From left to right: Paul Ferguson, Marketing Director, ZS Genetics; Martha Farmer, Ph.D., President and CEO, North Shore InnoVentures; Massachusetts State Representative Paul Brodeur; Bill Ward, President and COO, ZS Genetics; Angus McQuilken, Vice President for Marketing & Communications, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; William Glover, Founder and CEO, ZS Genetics; Peter Abair, Director, Economic Development & Global Affairs, MassBio; and Thomas Abert, Founder, CFO and Vice President. Finance & Administration.
From left to right: Paul Ferguson, Marketing Director, ZS Genetics; Martha Farmer, Ph.D., President and CEO, North Shore InnoVentures; Massachusetts State Representative Paul Brodeur; Bill Ward, President and COO, ZS Genetics; Angus McQuilken, Vice President for Marketing & Communications, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; William Glover, Founder and CEO, ZS Genetics; Peter Abair, Director, Economic Development & Global Affairs, MassBio; and Thomas Abert, Founder, CFO and Vice President. Finance & Administration.

ZS Genetics, developer of a Third-Generation DNA sequencing platform, and the MLSC announced on July 9, 2013, the official opening of the company’s new office in the Greater Boston area. ZS Genetics’ management team, as well as representatives from the MLSC, MassBio and State Representative Paul Brodeur, cut a ribbon today to mark the grand opening of the company’s new facility in Wakefield, Mass. The opening of the Boston-area office and laboratory facility is a significant milestone in the company’s transition from research and development towards product commercialization.

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