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4s3 Bioscience, Inc. Repays Center’s Accelerator Loan

On March 16, 2012, the Center and 4s3 Bioscience, Inc. announced the Medford-based company’s repayment of the Center’s Accelerator loan, with interest. This is the third company to repay an Accelerator loan from the Center.

Fom left to right: Susan Windham-Bannister, President & CEO, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Timothy Harris, President & CEO, 4s3 Bisocience, Inc., and Dustin Armstrong, Ph.D., Vice President of Research, 4s3 Bioscience, Inc.
Fom left to right: Susan Windham-Bannister, President & CEO, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Timothy Harris, President & CEO, 4s3 Bisocience, Inc., and Dustin Armstrong, Ph.D., Vice President of Research, 4s3 Bioscience, Inc.
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