January 4, 2013

Center announces next round of Accelerator Loan Program, 2010 Accelerator company Avaxia Biologics Inc. repays loan

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President & CEO Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister and Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Bradley Rosenblum receive Avaxia Biologics’ Accelerator loan repayment check from CEO Barbara S. Fox. (From left to right: Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister, Ph.D., President & CEO, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; Bradley Rosenblum, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; Barbara S. Fox, CEO, Avaxia Biologics Inc.)
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center President & CEO Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister and Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Bradley Rosenblum receive Avaxia Biologics’ Accelerator loan repayment check from CEO Barbara S. Fox. (From left to right: Dr. Susan Windham-Bannister, Ph.D., President & CEO, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; Bradley Rosenblum, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; Barbara S. Fox, CEO, Avaxia Biologics Inc.)

As the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) launched the seventh round of its Accelerator Loan Program on January 4, 2013, the MLSC also announced that Lexington-based Avaxia Biologics Inc., an Accelerator company awarded $375,000 in 2010, has paid back its loan early after successfully raising $6.4 million in its Series B financing round. The company’s repayment totaled $459,362.