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MLSC joins Quincy College for the grand opening of its new Biotechnology & Compliance Laboratory

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From left to right: Quincy College President Peter Tsaffaras, Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch, State Representative Tackey Chan, MLSC Manager of Academic & Workforce Programs Ryan Mudawar, and Bruce Van Dyke, Chair of the Quincy College Biotechnology & Compliance Program, celebrate the opening of Quincy College’s new Biotechnology & Compliance Laboratory. Also speaking at the event was Secretary of Housing & Economic Development Gregory Bialecki.

The Quincy College Biotechnology & Compliance Program unveiled its new laboratory in Saville Hall on August 21, 2013. The Quincy College Biotechnology & Compliance Laboratory will be the main laboratory and educational space for the Biotechnology and Compliance Associate Degree Program and Certificate Program at the College. The Quincy College Biotechnology & Compliance Laboratory was built with funding in-part of a $3-million federal grant from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program, which promotes skills development and employment opportunities in the sciences, and a $100,000 grant from the MLSC.

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